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Sustainability Statement


At Kreos Capital, we recognise that sustainability and Environment, Social and Governance (“ESG”) considerations are an important feature of our business. By integrating these into each step of our investment process, and also in our day-to-day running and management of our business, we seek to create lasting benefits for our stakeholders, eco-system and communities in which we live and work.

About us

Kreos was founded more than 22 years ago with the mission of pioneering unique financing solutions for high-growth companies across Europe and Israel. Since then, Kreos has committed more than €3 billion in over 630 portfolio company transactions, in a variety of industry sectors and located in 17 countries.

Kreos has offices based in London, Sweden, Israel, Jersey and Luxembourg.

Our policies and procedures

Kreos Capital have adopted several procedures and policies that facilitate our management and consideration of sustainability issues, including enhanced due diligence on all investments, further analysis at investment committee meetings and internally when dealing with recruitment. As an example of this, further details can be found within our Environmental Social and Governance Policy.

Further to our internal disclosures on sustainability, Kreos Capital are also a signatory of the United Nations sponsored Principles of Responsible Investments (“UNPRI”) and subscribe to the aspirations detailed by them. Furthermore, we engage with our industry body, Invest Europe, in order to further integrate best practice in to our sustainability considerations where appropriate.

Moving forward

Kreos Capital is committed to continuously improving our position, practices and behaviours in regards to sustainability and ESG considerations. Our ESG Committee is responsible for ensuring compliance with existing policies and procedures as well as improving our current practices, adapting existing procedures, implementing new policy and continuing to educate our employees.

As part of this, we are considering a number of new initiatives and improvements to our existing positions and can envisage developments in the future such as aligning elements of remuneration with the integration of sustainability criteria and the utilisation of tools to better monitor the sustainability positions of our investments.

This statement is made in accordance with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation