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CropX teams with FarmAgro to offer Latin American farmers accurate predictive power based on soil analytics

By 10/12/2019June 4th, 2021No Comments

CropX, a leading agricultural analytics company, and FarmAgro, a leader in the commercialization of agroforestry equipment in Costa Rica, today announced their partnership. By partnering with CropX, FarmAgro can now help growers in Latin America become more efficient and profitable, offering advanced precisionAg tools such as automatizing irrigation, soil- and crop-specific management, Geo-tagging of agricultural land, and other innovative solutions.

By partnering with FarmAgro, CropX plans to expand its deployment across the¬†Latin America¬†and¬†Caribbean¬†region, which covers some 205 million ha. While the region has demonstrated low irrigation efficiency to date, the region’s irrigated area is expected to increase from 18 million to 22 million ha by 2030 according to the¬†FAO. With CropX irrigation management tools in place, FarmAgro will be able to unlock valuable data from farmers around¬†Central America¬†to better understand how climate change is impacting the region’s agriculture.

“Climatic variations across Central and¬†Latin America¬†are creating a new set of risks for farmers in the region. We are excited to collaborate with FarmAgro to help manage those risks and improve yields by increasing the penetration of our crop management tools in the entire Latin American market,” said CropX President¬†John Vikupitz. “As we focus on our global expansion, CropX aims to become the leader in soil data science by delivering the only farm analytics platform with global deployments that offers integrated and accurate soil data gathered by an advanced, soil sensor network.”

As part of the new partnership, FarmAgro now offers Latin American farmers advanced precisionAg services based on the CropX farm management platform, which integrates data from its proprietary soil sensors with a comprehensive set of above-ground data layers, such as weather, satellite imagery, crop models, etc. The new FarmAgro services include irrigation management tools that provide autonomous and adaptive irrigation prescriptions, crop-specific recommendations adjusted to the crop’s growth stage, optimal planting and harvest date estimations, identification of early stage field variability and many more. See the¬†CropX product page¬†for complete details.

“Our world faces enormous challenges that include a changing climate and limited natural resources, but advances in agtech and artificial intelligence can help farmers adjust to changing demands.¬†Because of this, we firmly believe that our partnership with CropX will revolutionize agriculture in¬†Latin America,” said Cindy Gonz√°lez, strategy and marketing manager at FarmAgro.

Based on successful trials of the CropX platform on some of the main crops in Costa Rica (banana, coffee, sugarcane and pineapple), FarmAgro is now targeting the largest agricultural producers of these crops in Central America, in addition to other types of crops, such as melons, watermelons, cantaloupes and mangoes. As the CropX solution is crop agnostic, the potential for expansion into other crop types is unlimited.

Producers working with FarmAgro can now get the benefits of CropX sensor technology and artificial intelligence software – from money savings by irrigation and fertilizer efficiency and higher yields by optimizing water usage, to the peace of mind that comes from maintaining the ideal environment and growing conditions for crops. Together, FarmAgro and CropX will empower producers to focus more time on improving day-to-day farm tasks so they can make their farm operations better.

After deployment in Central America reaches critical mass, FarmAgro plans to expand CropX distribution to the entire Latin American region.